Monday, December 10, 2007

Exclusive Psalmody Debate

Listen to part 1 here and part 2 here

New Covenant Hymnody

I. A Survey of The Regulative Principle of Worship
A. The RPW in the Old Testament
1. Edenic Covenant (Works)
2. Adamic Covenant (Promise)
3. Noahic Covenant (Dominion)
4. Abrahamic Covenant (Royal Land Grant)
5. Mosaic Covenant (Typological Kingdom)
6. Davidic Covenant (Messianic)
B. The RPW in the New Testament
1. New Covenant (All covenants fulfilled in Christ)
- We are now in the semi-theocracy with the Word and the Spirit
- No longer the typological kingdom
- But we still have the RPW
2. New Covenant, New Acts of God, New Songs
- The Psalms instructs us to sing new songs when God does something new
- The New Covenant is new act of God and therefore warrants new songs (Isa 42:10)
C. The New Covenant commands the following elements of worship:
1. The Word (Preached and Taught)
2. Ordinances (Communion and Baptism), Church discipline
3. Prayers, fellowship, offerings
4. The sing of psalms, hymns and Spiritual songs

II. What does Col 3:16 and Eph 5:18 command/Teach
A. We are to meditate on the Word of God to be filled with the Spirit
1. The Word of Christ in Col is the mystery of Christ (Col 1:26-28)
2. In Eph the infilling of the Spirit is be under the influence of the Spirit not infallible inspiration of the Spirit(Eph 5:17)
B. We are then to teach, admonish, and speak to one another in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs.
C. The context is private not public
1. instruction to Christian households
2. instruction to slaves
3. instruction to inter-personal conduct

III. Exegesis of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
A. All wisdom is needed when giving instruction
B. It is in the imperative, so we are commanded to do this
C. Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs are all in the dative; however Psalms and Hymns are masculine, whereas Spiritual Songs is famine.
1. Therefore it is either (a) speaking of different kinds of songs
2. or (b) the same kind of songs having Psalms and Hymns and songs as all spiritual
D. Regardless Spiritual songs in context Col 1:9 means doctrinally pure songs as opposed to worldly songs
E. Therefore Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs is a Triadic expression for New Covenant songs (Col 1:26-28)
F. Psalms are normally personally, Hymns are normally doxological, Spiritual songs are normally both.

IV. The extension to public worship
A. This now can be applied to public worship as a corporate means of fulfilling the same command
B. The New Testament is the full revelation of Christ. Heb 1:1-3 We therefore are to sing the propositional truth found in the New Testament, hence the Word of Christ in Col 3:16 is the lyrical content of the Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Act 1:12-26 The Church Awaiting The Spirit

Act 1:12-26 The Church awaiting the Spirit Listen here

I. Where did the Apostles meet at:
A. Jerusalem (1 King 8:29-30)
1. The place of God’s name (2 Chron 6:6)
2. The epicenter for religious worship (1 King 8:29-30)
B. The upper room
1. Probably a chamber in the temple (1 King 6:5)
2. Owned by possibly Barnabas (Acts 4:26)
C. With the women, Mary and the brother of Jesus
1. The women were probably the wives of the Apostles
2. The brothers of Jesus now believing

II. What did they do?
A. They devoted themselves to prayer in one mind.
1. Prayer is priority for the Apostles (John 16:23-26)
2. Jews prayed towards the temple as the place of God’s dwelling
B. Then Peter explains the reason for Judas betrayal
1. Judas was the son of perdition
2. Fulfilled imprecatory psalms of King David
C. The Apostle draw lots for a man to replace Judas
1. It was common for Jews to draw lot’s to discern God’s will (Prov 16:33)
2. Matthias was God choice, not man’s. He became the 12th foundational Apostle.

III. The importance of…..
A. Location
B. Prayer
C. The Apostolic Ministry
D. God Sovereign choice

IV. We should therefore….
A. Not forsake the Assembly of ourselves together (Heb 10:25)
B. Purposeful prayer (Matt 6:5-14)
C. Believe Apostolic doctrine (Gal 1:7)
D. Delight in God’s Sovereignty (Eph 1:3-13)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Part 2

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Part 2 Listen here

I. Jacob’s birth (Gen 25:23-26)
The twin brother of Esau
Favored by Rebekah
Chosen by God

II. Jacob’s conversion (Gen 28:10-17)
Takes birthrights
Steals blessings
Receives promises

III. Jacob’s prosperity (Gen 29-31)
Finds work with Laban
Finds wife with Rachel
Finds wealth with cattle

IV. Jacob’s submission (Gen 32:22-32)
God spares Jacob
God wrestles with Jacob
God renames Jacob

V. Jacob is the model of:
Sovereign grace (Rom 9:14-16)
Struggle (Gen 32:23-26)
Surrender: Renamed Israel (Gen 35:9-15)

VI. We are to be like Jacob
We boast only in the Lord (I Cor 1:26-30)
We submit to Christ as Lord (2 Cor 5:8-10)
We are to be weak so Christ can be strong (2 Cor 5:7-10)

Monday, August 13, 2007

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Part 1

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Part 1 Listen here

I. Who were the Patriarchs? (Ex 3:15)
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

II. Why were they called the Patriarchs (1 Chr 16:14-18)
Because the Covenant of Grace was administrated to them
Because they were the first Jews
Because from them came Israel and the Kings

III. Who was Abraham
Covenant calling (Gen 12)
Covenant ratification (Gen 15)
Covenant administration (Gen 17)
Covenant confirmation (Gen 22)

IV. Abraham is the model of:
Faith (Rom 4:11)
Obedience (Jam 2:21-23)
Pilgrimage (Heb 11:8-11)

V. We are to be like Abraham
We walk by faith not by sight (2 Cor 5:7)
We obey because we believe (1 Tim 4:10-11)
We are pilgrims in this present age and await the heavenly Jerusalem (Titus 2:11-14)